Industry 4.0
Our team offers high quality service
As machines become more and more efficient and perfect, so it will become clear that imperfection is the greatness of man (c) Ernst Fischer
Thanks to our qualified specialists “Robologic Group” provides a service for full or partial automation of any process: from small business algorithms to high-powered line production. Our team is competent to work as successfully with industrial equipment as with specialized software. Implementing automation solutions can provide you with the following benefits:
- Increased productivity and equipment optimization
- Improved quality of products due to the precise compliance with process technology
- Security is ensured
- Savings due to increased efficiency in the use of resources and materials

Porgramming with CRP robots
There are an endless number of things to discover about robotics. A lot of it is just too fantastic for people to believe (c) Daniel H. Wilson

Industrial robots are increasingly used in a variety of industries and applications. Today it is hard to imagine powerful manufactory without industrial robots. Therefore, today the company “Robologic” is the official representative of the company “CRP”. We provide:
- High quality products and a 2-year warranty from the start of your production
- Warranty and post-warranty service, consultation, training, commissioning and support of our customers 24/7
- High price-quality ratio of products and a short payback period
electrical engineering
Scientists dream about doing great things. Engineers do them (c) James A. Michener
“Robologic Group” team is proud of experienced employees who specialize in working with electrical systems of any complexity. Our engineers are able to quickly figure out electrical plans, install all the necessary equipment and configure the connection of devices. We provide the following services:
- Control cabinet wiring
- Network configuration
- Fire alarm setup
- Laying cables and lines

business systems
Whenever you see a successful business, someone once made a courageous decision (c) Peter Drucker

Nothing can support a large or growing company as strongly as well-built business systems. Such systems allow you to control most of the company’s resources, as well as respond in a timely manner to unexpected results. «Robologic group» provides services for the creation of various systems for tracking resources, collecting statistics or effectively working with personnel and customers. We offer:
- ERP and CRM systems
- HR systems
- Production and Distribution
- E-commerce & Sales
Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act. There is no other route to success. (c) Pablo Picasso
The simulation is a preliminary stage of robot programming. It is necessary in order to calculate costs better and to recognize errors before the actual planning and implementation. The simulation is an alternative to physical tests and it supports planning security. In Industry 4.0, simulation has therefore become an important pillar in a wide variety of areas. In the simulation phase, our programmers work closely with the design office. The focus is on the creation and review of plant concepts and work cells. Simulation can provide you following advantages:
- Faster integration of manufacturing processes
- Resource saving
- Cost reduction
- Reduction in production downtime

Simplicity is the soul of efficiency (c) Austin Freeman

Programmable logic controllers are widely used to solve tasks of industrial facility management. The frequent use of PLC in production can be explained by its main features: it is designed for industrial environments, so it is very robust and reliable; reprogrammable; modular; ideally suited to supervisory control. A significant number of successfully completed projects for programming and implementation of PLC at the largest factories in the world proves our competence and qualifications in this area. We offer a full service of work with the PLC:
- Process analysis
- Project planning
- PLC programming
- Project implementation
software development
The function of good software is to make the complex appear to be simple (c) Grady Booch
A specialized team for developing, debugging and testing your software will make your application as fast and efficient as possible. Our specialists use the most popular programming languages and frameworks. The list of programming languages we use includes:
- C++
- Java
- Python
- and others

ICT Systems
The advance of technology is based on making it fit in so that you don’t really even notice it, so it’s part of everyday life (c) Bill Gates

Our team of experienced developers can help you to make your business more successful and efficient. Using only the most modern and proven technologies, we can turn your structure of business processes into the solid, streamlined, productive ICT system, that will provide you possibility not only more masterfully continue to develop your business, but also implement your most daring ideas. By using ICT system you can be:
- More productive – a greater number of tasks can be completed in the same time
- Able to deal with a big data much easier
- Faster with processing information
- Able to transmit and receive information rapidly
We are always opened to work with you